Saturday, August 31, 2024

The China Wall, the Berlin Wall and now the Firewall

         In the decades-long journalistic journey, the scribe and the messenger have been in touch and now there is a firewall in front of them. The scribe lost his hand, so he was once a messenger... and now there is a firewall in front of us. We had heard the name of the China Wall and the Berlin Wall before. Simple people of the times… now our simplicity is mocked.

       Times have changed, scribes and messengers have been with us for years, now we meet firewalls. Former Member of National Assembly Nusrat Wahid has sent an open letter to Mirza Ghalib. Mirza Ghalib expresses his views on slow internet speed in his homeland. What has happened that the electronic connections between you and us have been restricted? It is heard that a fire wall has been built in front of the electronic system of social communication. The Chinese built the Great Wall of China to prevent Tatar attacks, the Germans built the Berlin Wall in the middle of the city of Berlin, the Invisible Wall, and now this is the third wall that has been built on our own hearts at our expense. Before, I was satisfied that when my health deteriorated, I would bring you in front of me and talk. Sometimes I read the text, sometimes I saw the picture. 

According to Munshi Moji Ramji:

There is an image in the mirror of the heart.
When he saw his neck bowed

       Now we have to go upstairs again and again to receive electrical signals. The goal is still not achieved, there is no reflection or sound: Where is that separation and that separation, where are the days and nights, where are the months and years? All over the country are crazy, the business running on the electronic system has collapsed, the capital has sunk, my monthly expenditure of eighteen hundred is also going in vain. In the future, I plan to save this expense and buy decorative paper, pens, lighting and books. Do the same and return to the old tradition of letter writing. Shab-i-Adina Ghalib has now been defeated. Mohalla Ballymaran, Delhi A young man from Lahore who understands digital sciences, Irfan Malik, says that "thousands of youths have stopped getting work on Fiver due to the suspension of the Internet due to the firewall. They need timely services to their clients. There is a complete failure to deliver, the country has suffered a lot due to the slowness of the internet. 

According to the poet

In love with the fresh air, O inhabitants of the city
Do not make so many holes that the wall collapses

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