Showing posts with label Baluchistan situation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Baluchistan situation. Show all posts

Friday, August 30, 2024

Balochistan situation, don't be deceived. Consider!

       Nowroz Khan Zarkzai is remembered by the people of Baluchistan as 'Babu Nowrez', this gentleman was a bit of a rebel, first he fought with the British for the rights of Kalat, and when the British left, he got angry with the new rulers. When one unit was formed in 1955, Baluchistan complained of further reduction in its rights and representation, Nowroz Khan then climbed the mountains with about a thousand companions and fought with the Pakistani authorities more fiercely. This was the background. Now listen to the real story.

      After negotiations between the tribal leaders and the government of Pakistan, a ceasefire was reached in 1960. The government promised that One Unit would be disbanded and that Nowroz Khan and all his associates would be given amnesty. But Nowroz Khan did not trust these promises and refused to surrender. Now as a last effort, the government of Pakistan sent a Jirga to Nowroz Khan, the Jirga made the Qur'an a guarantor and the government of Pakistan promised amnesty. He came down from the mountain under the shadow of the Qur'an. Alas, Nowroz Khan was misrepresented, the government of Pakistan lied using the Quran as a witness.

       Nowroz Khan and 160 of his companions were tried in a military court. Seven people were hanged, including Nowroz Khan's son. Historian Dr. Shah Muhammad Marri narrates that when the son's body was brought before Nowruz Khan for the last sight, he cut off his son's mustache and sent a message to his tribe that my son's death should not be mourned but Let it be celebrated as a wedding is celebrated, for my son has died for a greater cause. Later, at the age of 95, Nowroz Khan died in prison. Nowroz Babu is considered a giant character in Balochistan today.

        Akbar Bugti was killed on August 26, 2006. A few days before his murder, Pervez Musharraf addressed the Baloch nationalists and said that this is not the seventies, you will not even know how you will be killed. has been done, and then it happened, during an operation the roof of the cave in which Akbar Bugti was sheltering collapsed, killing him and his companions. Today Akbar Bugti's name has also been included in Balochi folk songs. In April 2009, BNM president Ghulam Muhammad Baloch and two nationalist leaders, Lala Munir and Sher Muhammad, were kidnapped, and their tortured bodies were found a few days later. There are dozens of such stories, and dozens of bodies.

      There is a problem of missing persons, people disappear, fathers, sons, husbands, brothers, their number is said to be in thousands, they are sometimes heard in courts, sometimes in parliament, special commissions are also formed. The result is nothing, the result is good, the problem is confused, years and years have passed, Pakistani citizens have been kidnapped, some returned to their homes torn apart after two or four years, while thousands of people were eaten by the earth or the sky. Swallowed. Missing persons is not a 'narrative' problem, it is a human problem, it is talking about missing brothers, missing husbands, forcibly abducted sons. What is the mental structure of the families of these missing persons? What is the sole purpose of their life? We hear that Mahrang Baloch's father was also kidnapped, and then his tortured body was found. In the last 77 years, there have been five open operations in Baluchistan, in two of these operations air power was also used, and we know that collateral damage in air operations is very high, if one person is to be killed. Sometimes the entire village has to be met.

       In a heinous incident, 23 innocent Punjabis have been killed, this is not a Balochi-Punjabi conflict, it is terrorism. But when the dead bodies of your loved ones are lying in the yard, emotions run high, those who take advantage of the opportunity become mobilized. Unfortunately, some friends are beginning to see this issue as the enemy would like to see it. When Operation Searchlight was launched in East Pakistan, West Pakistan, especially Punjab, strongly supported it. Narrative had won. There were very few like Professor Waris Mir, Malik Ghulam Jilani, Nawabzada Nasrullah Khan, Habib Jalib who were loudly saying that this is not a fight between Punjabi and Bengali, it is a fight between the strong and the weak, it is a fight for fair distribution of resources. Yes, it is a battle of constitution and lawlessness. But the narrative of hate has won. This is the problem of Baluchistan too, a sinister attempt is being made to hide this problem behind the smoke screen of a hateful narrative, don't be deceived. Consider!.

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