Saturday, August 31, 2024

The China Wall, the Berlin Wall and now the Firewall

         In the decades-long journalistic journey, the scribe and the messenger have been in touch and now there is a firewall in front of them. The scribe lost his hand, so he was once a messenger... and now there is a firewall in front of us. We had heard the name of the China Wall and the Berlin Wall before. Simple people of the times… now our simplicity is mocked.

       Times have changed, scribes and messengers have been with us for years, now we meet firewalls. Former Member of National Assembly Nusrat Wahid has sent an open letter to Mirza Ghalib. Mirza Ghalib expresses his views on slow internet speed in his homeland. What has happened that the electronic connections between you and us have been restricted? It is heard that a fire wall has been built in front of the electronic system of social communication. The Chinese built the Great Wall of China to prevent Tatar attacks, the Germans built the Berlin Wall in the middle of the city of Berlin, the Invisible Wall, and now this is the third wall that has been built on our own hearts at our expense. Before, I was satisfied that when my health deteriorated, I would bring you in front of me and talk. Sometimes I read the text, sometimes I saw the picture. 

According to Munshi Moji Ramji:

There is an image in the mirror of the heart.
When he saw his neck bowed

       Now we have to go upstairs again and again to receive electrical signals. The goal is still not achieved, there is no reflection or sound: Where is that separation and that separation, where are the days and nights, where are the months and years? All over the country are crazy, the business running on the electronic system has collapsed, the capital has sunk, my monthly expenditure of eighteen hundred is also going in vain. In the future, I plan to save this expense and buy decorative paper, pens, lighting and books. Do the same and return to the old tradition of letter writing. Shab-i-Adina Ghalib has now been defeated. Mohalla Ballymaran, Delhi A young man from Lahore who understands digital sciences, Irfan Malik, says that "thousands of youths have stopped getting work on Fiver due to the suspension of the Internet due to the firewall. They need timely services to their clients. There is a complete failure to deliver, the country has suffered a lot due to the slowness of the internet. 

According to the poet

In love with the fresh air, O inhabitants of the city
Do not make so many holes that the wall collapses

Friday, August 30, 2024

Balochistan situation, don't be deceived. Consider!

       Nowroz Khan Zarkzai is remembered by the people of Baluchistan as 'Babu Nowrez', this gentleman was a bit of a rebel, first he fought with the British for the rights of Kalat, and when the British left, he got angry with the new rulers. When one unit was formed in 1955, Baluchistan complained of further reduction in its rights and representation, Nowroz Khan then climbed the mountains with about a thousand companions and fought with the Pakistani authorities more fiercely. This was the background. Now listen to the real story.

      After negotiations between the tribal leaders and the government of Pakistan, a ceasefire was reached in 1960. The government promised that One Unit would be disbanded and that Nowroz Khan and all his associates would be given amnesty. But Nowroz Khan did not trust these promises and refused to surrender. Now as a last effort, the government of Pakistan sent a Jirga to Nowroz Khan, the Jirga made the Qur'an a guarantor and the government of Pakistan promised amnesty. He came down from the mountain under the shadow of the Qur'an. Alas, Nowroz Khan was misrepresented, the government of Pakistan lied using the Quran as a witness.

       Nowroz Khan and 160 of his companions were tried in a military court. Seven people were hanged, including Nowroz Khan's son. Historian Dr. Shah Muhammad Marri narrates that when the son's body was brought before Nowruz Khan for the last sight, he cut off his son's mustache and sent a message to his tribe that my son's death should not be mourned but Let it be celebrated as a wedding is celebrated, for my son has died for a greater cause. Later, at the age of 95, Nowroz Khan died in prison. Nowroz Babu is considered a giant character in Balochistan today.

        Akbar Bugti was killed on August 26, 2006. A few days before his murder, Pervez Musharraf addressed the Baloch nationalists and said that this is not the seventies, you will not even know how you will be killed. has been done, and then it happened, during an operation the roof of the cave in which Akbar Bugti was sheltering collapsed, killing him and his companions. Today Akbar Bugti's name has also been included in Balochi folk songs. In April 2009, BNM president Ghulam Muhammad Baloch and two nationalist leaders, Lala Munir and Sher Muhammad, were kidnapped, and their tortured bodies were found a few days later. There are dozens of such stories, and dozens of bodies.

      There is a problem of missing persons, people disappear, fathers, sons, husbands, brothers, their number is said to be in thousands, they are sometimes heard in courts, sometimes in parliament, special commissions are also formed. The result is nothing, the result is good, the problem is confused, years and years have passed, Pakistani citizens have been kidnapped, some returned to their homes torn apart after two or four years, while thousands of people were eaten by the earth or the sky. Swallowed. Missing persons is not a 'narrative' problem, it is a human problem, it is talking about missing brothers, missing husbands, forcibly abducted sons. What is the mental structure of the families of these missing persons? What is the sole purpose of their life? We hear that Mahrang Baloch's father was also kidnapped, and then his tortured body was found. In the last 77 years, there have been five open operations in Baluchistan, in two of these operations air power was also used, and we know that collateral damage in air operations is very high, if one person is to be killed. Sometimes the entire village has to be met.

       In a heinous incident, 23 innocent Punjabis have been killed, this is not a Balochi-Punjabi conflict, it is terrorism. But when the dead bodies of your loved ones are lying in the yard, emotions run high, those who take advantage of the opportunity become mobilized. Unfortunately, some friends are beginning to see this issue as the enemy would like to see it. When Operation Searchlight was launched in East Pakistan, West Pakistan, especially Punjab, strongly supported it. Narrative had won. There were very few like Professor Waris Mir, Malik Ghulam Jilani, Nawabzada Nasrullah Khan, Habib Jalib who were loudly saying that this is not a fight between Punjabi and Bengali, it is a fight between the strong and the weak, it is a fight for fair distribution of resources. Yes, it is a battle of constitution and lawlessness. But the narrative of hate has won. This is the problem of Baluchistan too, a sinister attempt is being made to hide this problem behind the smoke screen of a hateful narrative, don't be deceived. Consider!.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

The common interests of the United States and China in Pakistan?

        At the global level, it is very clear that Pakistan is important for the world in two dimensions. Its economic importance is also certain, while the security of the region is also connected with it. If an attempt is made to wall off Pakistan by taking advantage of its current weak economy, Pakistan may also be forced to enter into a defense pact to meet its strategic needs, which is sure to be a no-brainer. There will be no situation, but for the survival of national security, one has to take a bitter sip. All the regional and international forces should keep in mind that forcing Pakistan will have an impact on Pakistan, there will be other victims as well. When the former Soviet Union signed a defense agreement with India before the war of 1971 and supported India in destroying Pakistan by violating international ethics, Pakistan did nothing but sip its blood helplessly. I was able to do it, but a scar was left in my heart. Then, when the former Soviet Union came to Torkham to protect the communist-minded ruling elite in Afghanistan, Pakistan had no choice but to side with the anti-Soviet states. 

      Certainly, Pakistan did not play a role in the former Soviet Union, but to deny this fact would be to ignore the fact that Pakistan did not play an important role in it. Then the world saw that after the Afghan war, America left Pakistan and Afghanistan alone and both of them tried to heal their wounds on their own. But after leaving it alone, rather because of it, the situation in Afghanistan gave birth to a tragedy like 9/11. Therefore, the strategy of walling off Pakistan should be completely avoided even in modern times, it will not be in anyone's interest.

      I'm not just talking about insecurity as a result of isolation, but it will also have huge economic consequences. It is also a matter of concern for the United Nations that Afghanistan is still unstable and there are question marks on the government's grip there. From there, the snake of terrorism is not only spreading its trap for us, but other countries of the world are also complaining about it. The issue of Xinjiang is of great importance to China and the goals of the outlawed TTP are not only limited to Pakistan, but they are engaged in a strategy to destabilize Pakistan, China and other countries in the region from Afghanistan.

      The strategic importance of Pakistan is present in the entire Arab region from Iran. Pakistan is a foreign country that the Arab world trusts and we do not have any problems to settle with them. Pakistan's military power is also a certainty. Both Pakistan and India are nuclear powers and their intertwining is not only harmful for these two countries, but its effects are being set up on global strategic affairs as well as on global trade. If the Kashmir issue is resolved, it will not only bring relief to the people of both the countries, but the entire world will benefit from it.

      If China and the United States play their role in normalizing the mutual relations between Pakistan and India, the global trade will benefit. For example, under the patronage of the United States, a trade corridor is being established from India, which will be a trade route for goods from India to Israel and from Israel to Europe. The passage of this corridor is right in front of Pakistan's maritime boundaries and in case of conflict with Pakistan, this corridor will remain insecure at all times. Similarly, the pilot project of BRI is CPEC, which is a plan to transport Chinese products from Central Asia to Europe, Africa.

      China and India want to acquire Iranian oil and gas, the shortest route is only Pakistan, India wants access to the markets of Central Asia and Europe. Less travel than Pakistan is not possible anywhere else. Most of Pakistan's exports go to America. America and its allied countries have the most important role in foreign exchange. In the same way, China's importance in Pakistan's economy has become a certainty. When no one was investing in Pakistan, it was China that stepped forward and invested. Pakistan could not manage the Chinese investment in a proper manner and by unnecessarily developing the western route, we increased the debt burden on ourselves. But if we deal with China sensibly, these debt issues can also be resolved. If understanding is shown in diplomacy, Pakistan can take these two countries together, which is needed by both of them.

Monday, August 26, 2024

Fake news!

          One example of how fake news can cause sedition in human societies is the worst riots in the UK in recent days. Three young girls were killed and ten people were injured. Some time after this incident, the police arrested the accused, but misrepresenting the incident on social media, it was painted as terrorism by a Muslim refugee. In the air, the attacker also gave a fake Muslim name and wrote in the news that the person had come to Britain by boat last year and was on the watch list of the British Intelligence Agency.

         The news led to anti-Muslim protests and incitement in Britain, in which hundreds of people have been arrested, attacks on mosques and incidents of targeting ethnic minorities. Condemned the attack on Ghazan hotel, special measures were taken to protect the mosques while the courts were kept open 24 hours to punish the accused involved in rioting and it was clarified that those who spread wrong information will be brought to justice. . The riots that took place in Britain are being described as the worst riots in thirteen years. This is the case of the United Kingdom, where many years ago, by controlling the riot situation, keeping the courts open 24 hours, using administrative strategies, the legal requirements were fulfilled and normal life was restored.

          There are many lessons for our rulers to learn from these events. While as a nation we should take into consideration how the false news of a single person through social media causes the worst calamities and losses. Unfortunately, the fabric of the investigation related to the spread of the above news on social media comes from a Pakistani who was allegedly killed by the Lahore Police a few days ago using a picture broadcast on ETV. . As a result of the investigation conducted in the UK, this matter came to light and the accused's statement given to the FAA also revealed that the accused had carried out this action alone. The accused not only provided false news to the British public, but also managed to convince the British Broadcasting Corporation that a team of people from different countries had been prepared for the work of the website "Channel 3 Nine" and also that That fake news is being spread by another team member, not him.

          According to the details given to the investigators, the accused receives three to four lakh rupees per month from sensational news platforms. I wish he would have realized the damage done to the reputation of Pakistan and Pakistanis living abroad, especially in the UK, by this action of the accused. Social media is a means of information transmission and expression of opinion, in the use of which it is important to take into account the limits of expression and the difference between positive and negative aspects. Some elements do not consider this difference in the use of social media or intentionally misuse this media. All should keep an eye on such elements who are trying to create misunderstanding between the institutions and damage the relationship of trust and love between the army and the people. As Pakistanis, we have to respect and protect the integrity and survival of our country.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

America's anti-environmental activities

      According to a news report, the former president of the United States, Bill Clinton, gave a warning in a hotel in New York and said, "The biggest threat to the future of the world is not terrorism, but global warming." There may be more terrorism in the next 20 years. There are attacks and small-scale chemical, biological and nuclear materials are used during these attacks, but no nation in the world has ever been destroyed by terrorism alone. And globalization is a bigger threat to the world than terrorism and war, among the problems facing the world, corruption is the second, conflicts, wars and terrorism are the third, hunger is the fourth, climate change is the fifth and illiteracy is the sixth. This was revealed by a survey of global viewers by BBC World, in which the organization asked 20 viewers of its news and international channels, which is the biggest threat among the global threats that the world is facing today. what is 52.3% of people from Europe, Asia, North and South America, the Middle East, Africa and Australia rated US power and corruption as the most worrisome, while Europe and the Middle East rated wars and terrorism as the most worrisome.

      In this BBC survey, wars and terrorism were named the biggest global threats by 50%, hunger by 49%, climate change by 44% and illiteracy by 38%, the acquisition of nuclear power by 38% and atrocities on minorities by 36%. In the same way, lack of sanitation and drinking water was ranked twelfth with 20% opinion and migration got 16th position with 16%, trade barriers came out as the 15th most important problem with 17% while in Africa It was ranked as the sixth and ninth most important problem in South America. The head of the BBC Word Service also said that we were a little surprised that global powers and corruption emerged as the main issue, but we also have to find out if this is temporary or has long-term effects.

Also Read: ----- I have a dream

     Looking at Bill Clinton's statement, I realize that the earth's ecosystem is becoming more important than politics these days, and rightly so, because we are forced to live in a world where, every day, The environmental pollution and warming is increasing. The responsibility for repairing the damage done to the earth's environment due to the indiscriminate industrialization and unbridled profiteering of the Western countries and the United States rests on the West. . On the one hand, the planet Earth, the only habitat of humans in the universe, is being made uninhabitable, on the other hand, the inhabitants of Asian and Western countries are paying the price of this industrial oppression with their health and lives, when the rich and wealthy countries are responsible for these. Attention is paid to pollution, and they shirk their financial responsibilities to offset it. The largest source of carbon dioxide emissions is the large number of cars and vehicles used in the West.

     According to an estimate, the number of motor vehicles in America alone is twice the population of this country, i.e. more than 50 crores. Due to the fumes of these 50 crore cars, the atmosphere is suffering from global warming diseases, the temperature of the earth has increased and is increasing. Along with the ice of Antarctica and the North Pole, the ice of the Himalayas, the world's highest peak, has started melting for 50 million years, which has made floods the fate of most countries. Climate variability has worsened to such an extent that the monsoon has become an unreliable season. The balanced atmosphere and environment created by nature for millions of years has been torn apart by the West with 200 years of cutting hands, millions of people are dying of hunger in Africa. On the other hand, the blue skies of Asia are covered with brown clouds of toxic gases.

     When the US was asked under the 1997 Q2 treaty to curb carbon dioxide, it flatly refused in view of its commercial interests. This kind of American behavior is an example of "environmental bullying". Neither the United States wants to give aid funds for the restoration of a better environment of the earth, nor is it ready to abide by any international agreement for a healthy future of the earth, the limit is that the world conference in which the destiny of the earth is discussed. Former US President Joe Biden was unable to attend.

     Industrial pollution has also given rise to megacities. Despite the efforts and measures taken in this regard in the last 20 years, two to four billion people in developing countries still lack access to quality health and sanitation and 1.2 billion people lack access to clean and safe water. In these circumstances, I want to tell the former US President Bill Clinton that the people of developing countries are right to understand that the environmental conferences, symposiums, talks and speeches in the world are actually just being conducted by rich and big countries in the 21st century. "Neo-Abadi" is a forum of the system. What good can one expect from such a forum?
Destroy whoever you want ..... Today is your time

Saturday, August 24, 2024

I have a dream

           What needs to be understood is that Tehreek-e-Insaf is not a political party. It is the name of the movement started by the founder PTI for justice. It is the name of those rays of protest emanating from the soul of a single individual, which have gradually engulfed the entire nation. This movement has been going on continuously for twenty-two years. Sometimes it slows down, sometimes it speeds up. He has no dispute with any Pakistani institution. This is a movement that loves Pakistan Army. It is a movement to collect memories and memorials of its martyrs and to lay flowers on them. It is a movement singing the anthems of its ghazis. This is a morale boosting movement of the Sena super soldiers on the battle front. At this time, the impression is spreading in the whole country that if it is an anti-army movement, then it is the propaganda of the enemies. This is the movement to make the army the army of the Nation of Islam. It cannot be against the army because this is what beats in the hearts of more than ninety percent of the khaki uniforms. This movement wants our army to be the best army in the world. The only problem is that this movement wants to make Pakistan an example of the state of Madania and wants to stop the role of the army in the state of Madania. is He is not yet ready for this change. She thinks that this ideology of civil supremacy may not be a cause of loss for the forces of Pakistan. I think that she is not wrong because there have been many popular rulers in Pakistan who did not want to be ruled.

        I think there should be a discussion on this topic. A new civil-military relationship agreement should be in place. The Chief of Army Staff of Pakistan should sit with the head of the nation in front of the nation and make a new agreement. In all good faith. Not very old, maybe half a century ago, Martin Luther King came to the field to get the rights of the minorities. In his famous speech, he said (I have a dream), the interpretation of this dream brought Barack Hussein Obama to the White House. The founder of PTI also came forward with the dream of following the Sunnah of the state of Madania and the nation responded to his invitation and became a part of his dream. Gradually, the sign of victory written on Pakistan's forehead became clear. Now it is the brand name of Pakistan. In the global market, this name has put four moons on the honor of Pakistan. Even in the past, there are many people who can be called the brand of Pakistan. The names of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, Ms. Benazir Bhutto were very popular in their time. Noor Jahan and Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan for music. Dr. Qadeer Khan and Nobel Laureate Dr. Abdus Salam for science. In the field of sports, Jahangir Khan, but the name that became the most recognizable name of Pakistan is that of the founder of PTI.

        On the other side is our great army, whose motto is: "Faith, piety and jihad for the sake of Allah". Our army is among the ten largest forces in the world and many of its parts are among the top in the world. This professional army has fully supported the nation in every difficult phase even though some generals have made mistakes in the past. Mistakes are made by humans, but the enemies of the nation are trying their best to keep the people and the forces reading the distance in Pakistan day by day so that somehow this army can be destroyed. On the other hand, the roaring attacking lion does not see that the hunters have not set any trap in between. Pakistan is an example of a tiger that is caught in a trap. Some people even say that Pakistan is now imprisoned in a small cell of Adiala Jail. With folded hands, I request the founder of PTI and the chief of the Pakistan Army that fighting between the nation and the army is a great sin. In the name of God, sit down at the same table and work out a new civil-military agreement so that the country can move forward. At this time, our situation is that someone's feet are lifted, someone's hand is all over the city, this is the silent talisman. Nations are not against their armies and armies are not for war with their nations.

       This saying of Hazrat Ali (A.S) is in the heartbeat of every heart that "the system of disbelief can work, the system of injustice cannot work". This movement is the movement whose eyes dream of beautiful changes. Whose romance is a new Pakistan. whose language is love. The identity of which is humanity and I have this faith that this movement can put this country's sinking nation on the edge. This can save this country from the monster of hunger, poverty, unemployment, injustice and terrorism. This is the looted wealth of this country that can be snatched from the looters and put into the national treasury. This can save this country from the scourge of debt forever. This can provide equal educational opportunities to every child. This can provide free treatment facility to every Pakistani. This can bring back the lost self-respect of every poor Pakistani. This is the movement called Imran Khan.


Artificial Intelligence: Shaping Science and Society

       Artificial intelligence (AI) is no longer confined to scientific concepts. It is a powerful force that is reshaping the world. Fro...